Introduction Blockchain is the technology behind Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, but it’s not all about digital money. In fact, blockchain has many potential uses beyond cryptocurrency. Blockchain is a specific implementation of a distributed ledger, which is a type of database that allows mutually distrustful parties to share data without […]

Introduction Machine learning is one of the most exciting technologies available to businesses today. It has the potential to transform how companies operate and improves the way they engage with their customers. This blog post will help you understand what machine learning can do for your business, by exploring some […]

Introduction Cloud interoperability and portability are two concepts that are key to cloud computing at large. They are important for the cloud ecosystem and for end users, so it’s good to know what they mean. Interoperability Interoperability is the ability to work together, exchange information and communicate with other systems […]

Introduction A digital world requires a connected ecosystem. Today’s global economy is made up of millions of devices, each one capable of interacting with other devices and people in real-time. The internet was built to handle this scale, but it can’t do so without help from edge computing. Edge computing […]

Introduction The cloud has completely changed the way we think about information security. In this guide, we’ll talk about the unique opportunities that cloud computing provides and how it can help you achieve more secure data storage. We’ll also discuss some of the challenges that come with moving to a […]

Introduction Cloud computing is a popular term used to describe the concept of storing, sharing and accessing information and data over the Internet. Cloud computing allows users to access their files from any location, on any device and from any application by leveraging a shared infrastructure that supports the entire […]